"Knowledge Is Power"

An informed citizen is freedom's best friend and a controlled citizen is our worst enemy!

The links provided below will inform educate and protect your family.

Links for Liberty



Effective and Available Leadership

Moratorium on Eminent Domain

Professional Standards

Improved Access to Government Officials and Services

Economic Development Vision for Tipton County

Fiscal Responsibility

Promote Independence and Elimination of Government Dependency

American Dream Preservation

Term Limits


As a candidate for County Executive, I propose to build a strong foundation for our future through responsible leadership, but even more importantly, to restore the bonds of trust between the people of Tipton County and county government. 

In this era of official evasion and posturing, I offer, instead, a detailed agenda and a written commitment with no fine print.


    As your County Executive, I will be available to all citizens of Tipton County and an active representative for the good of our community.  Being aware and responsive to issues inside and outside the county that affect the people of Tipton County is job # 1.


    Immediately pass a moratorium on eminent domain with the only exception being for roads and infrastructure as limited by the US Constitution, pending passage of a State law of equal or greater protection for property owners.

    A ruling by the US Supreme Court allowing private property to be condemned and transferred to a developer puts every property owner at risk.

The recent taking of farmers’ land in east Tennessee for Wal-Mart and residential property in Memphis for developers to construct Up-Town, by their County Commissions, for the stated purpose of economic advantages, reflects the injustice and greed that puts every property owner’s security of ownership as risk. 

The current Tipton County Executive and County Commission have done nothing to secure our rights as property owners against developers and special interest groups who could gain favor with these officials for a price and ultimately take our land against our will.  

Our founding fathers who understood the necessity of private property ownership protection from government, never intended for the unjust taking of private property to transfer ownership to another private entity by any municipality for the purpose of economic and or tax advantages.


    Establish a high level of professionalism for all county employees.

Unacceptable conduct by any county employee toward anyone will not be tolerated.  County employees have a duty to be professional and honest in every aspect of their position.  Nothing less is acceptable.  The people of Tipton County deserve no less and as your County Executive I will accept no less. 


    Provide for major improvements to the County web site to allow access to all areas of Tipton County government online.

Online streaming will allow the people of Tipton County to listening in live to all County Commission meetings.  This service will allow the people greater awareness to the issues being discussed without having to be there in person or wait to read a transcript or hear a delayed broadcast.

Interactive online polling on legislative issues before and during all legislative meetings will allow the legislative body to see the views of the people to issues on the agenda.  An “Online Legislative Report Card,” will reveal the polling results and compare them to the voting records of all commission members.

An “Online Government Services” would allow the people the option to renewing vehicle registration, property tax payments and web access to the Property Assessors records, Register of Deeds information and many other services.

This convenient service has the potential of saving the people of Tipton County tens of thousands of lost hours standing in line and an equal amount of dollars saved in fuel and transportation cost.  It will also reduce the numbers of employees needed in these departments as the numbers of population grow in the county.  It will also improve the quality of life for many members of the community who have disabilities that make traditional interactions with government services difficult.


    Recruit more restaurants, retail centers, professional services and light commercial business to the county while respecting the areas that are predominantly residential and sensitive to the impact. 

The population density in the south end of the county will support many of these new businesses.  This will create new jobs in the community and allow sales taxes the stay in the county.  This will benefit many who wish to work closer to home and consumers who wish to drive less and support the local economy.  

With a growing and properly trained workforce we can attract large industrial companies in the areas that already have these types of businesses.


    A complete review of every department and their budget to eliminate the abuse and mismanagement of the current administration.  A balanced budget/tax limitation amendment and a legislative line-item veto to assure financial responsibility and control unnecessary pet projects.

      State audits indicate, numerous and persistent accounting irregularities in the Tipton County Executives office and many government agencies in Tipton County. Including misappropriation of funds, unreported theft of county property, embezzlement of Property Taxes and the illegal use of County Credit cards to purchase personal items by the Director of Public Works.  Source:  Comptroller of the Treasury, State of Tennessee reports, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.  The 2006 report is not available at this time.  See for yourself at www.comptroller.state.tn.us 


    "If I give you a fish, I feed you for a day.  But if I teach you to fish I feed you for life!"

      A public initiative to promote individual responsibility and elimination of government dependency with networks of neighbors helping neighbors in times of need is the key to developing strong community relationships.  Today the Tipton County Government has made an unholy alliance with the Department of Homeland Security as listed on their "snitch on your neighbor" program signs across the county.  The current County Executive has embraced the United Nations Agenda 21 model that seeks to eliminate your right to do as you please with your land.  The ol' boy dynasty thinks they know better than you and want to control and effectively enslave you from cradle to grave.  Stand with me as say no! 

      Neighborhood Watch groups have long been a source of identifying and preventing crime. And, with a better understanding of our neighbors, we can build a more friendly community.  Strengthening relationships with our neighbors and restoring confidence in County Government will help us all build a greater sense of community and a foundation for our children to build on.


    A complete review of the local building codes to assure structural integrity and protection from potential high wind and earthquake damage for all new homes built in the county.

      Currently, all new construction in Tipton County only has to meet the 1997 building code.  And, there are no requirements for high wind or earthquake conditions to meet the potential seismic zone rating we live in nor the straight line winds or tornados we have experienced in the past.  Recent tornado damage revealed many home with proper wind straps held up while those without strapping failed. 


    Provide for a first-ever vote on term limits to replace political dynasty's, ol boy networks, career politicians and corrupt cabals with We The People legislators.

A referendum was recently passed in Shelby County and the Appeals Court ruled that the citizens have a right to limit terms of elected officials.  If approved locally, this will effectively eliminate the political dynasties of the past and the special interest groups that control them.

Unlike some who run for elective office as a career path, it is my goal to build a strong foundation for our future by providing government accountability and empowering personal responsibility and direction at a time when personal responsibility is viewed as a threat to the institution of government where oppression is expected and restraint in government are foreign concepts. 

As the people of Tipton County, our responses to daily circumstances, whether good or bad, have a direct impact on our community's life.  Should our legacy be a foundation built on responsibility, decency and common sense or one of indifference and apathy to a corrupt and oppressive government?  Either way, our children will reap the benefits - or pay the tab.

Respecting the judgment of my fellow Americans, I seek your mandate for these reforms and hereby afix my name to this Contract with The People of Tipton County.

Respectfully Submitted;

Mike Parsons

Candidate for County Executive

I encourage all in Tipton County to support this cause, including every elected official and those seeking office.

According to the Tipton County Web Site, the county executive's office directs, organizes, and coordinates county government activities and oversees the daily operations of the county. The County Executive is the Chief Executive Officer of the County. In addition to the operations of the County Executive's Office, the following departments are supervised by the County Executive: Building Codes Department, Planning and Zoning, and Building Maintenance.

The fact is, just holding the position of County Executive does not make one an effective or competent leader as evidenced by many of the regulations passed in recent years under the current administration.  When the legislative body passes ordinances without consulting the state attorney generals office, they often violate existing law.

My extensive background in building codes, zoning and applicable law will allow me the ability to effectively access these and many other concerns as the County Executive without violating state and federal law as the current administration has done.

I offer the education, professional and real-world experiences that will allow me the ability to properly manage county government and prevent the numerous state audit findings of irregularities, law suits and complaints by the people against the County Executive and other branches of county government that cost all of us through higher taxes and lost opportunities.

I will also lead the way in recruting major industries, restaurants, retail centers, and other business that will benefit many who wish to work closer to home and everyone who desires to drive less and support the local economy.

I am personally working to recruit Toyota to choose Tipton County as the site for their new truck plant.  An estimated 5000 new jobs averaging $40K annually would be generated.  Taxes collected from this one new industry could allow for major improvements to the community like new schools, full time fire service and improved sewer systems, while relieving increased demands on property taxes.

As your next Tipton County Executive, I will build a strong foundation for our future through responsible leadership, and restore the trust between the people of Tipton County and county government.

Please Vote!

 Mike Parsons for Tipton County Executive